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6.61 Checkvalve FPM

Available items

ART.code d1 d2 d3 Z C DN PN P KV Verp
6.61.016 16 43 10 46 75 10 16 0.05 61 50 information
6.61.020 20 59 17 58 91 15 16 0.05 147 50 information
6.61.025 25 64 22 62.5 101.5 20 16 0.05 263 50 information
6.61.032 32 73 27 75.5 120.5 25 16 0.05 388 50 information
6.61.040 40 86 33 90 143 32 16 0.05 682 30 information
6.61.050 50 102 40 108 171 40 16 0.05 1052 10 information
6.61.063 63 124 50 132 210 50 16 0.05 1658 10 information
6.60.075 75 151 67 164 252 65 10 0.10 1933 1 information
6.61.090 90 178.5 83 188 291 80 10 0.1 3166 1 information
6.61.110 110 215.5 99 225 348 100 10 0.1 4650 1 information

Product information

- PVC-U = Unplasticised Polyvinylchloride
- Injection moulded
Extra informatie
- Flow [l/min] at which ∆p is 1 bar, determined according to DIN EN 60534-2-3.



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