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MMA Tee Reducing

Available items

ART.code d1 d3 B1 Z1 L PN Verp
RRS012074 75 63 102 48 144 12,5 5 information
RRS012088 90 63 108 50 150 12,5 4 information
RRS012089 90 75 108 50 158 12,5 4 information
RRS012107 110 63 115 53 168 12,5 3 information
RRS012108 110 75 115 53 168 12,5 3 information
RRS012109 110 90 115 61 175 12,5 3 information
RRS012156 160 90 131 67 200 12,5 1 information
RRS012157 160 110 131 76 210 12,5 1 information
RRS012195 200 90 10 1 information
RRS012196 200 110 10 1 information
RRS012219 225 90 150 75 240 10 1 information
RRS012220 225 110 150 75 250 10 1 information
RRS012223 225 160 150 140 270 10 1 information

Product information

- PVC-U = Unplasticised Polyvinylchloride
- Injection moulded


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