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The Quality Standard according to Jerry van Dijk

4 julio 2018 - The Quality Standard is the Van de Lande slogan. But what does it mean? That is why we ask our employees to talk about it in our newsletter. This time: Jerry van Dijk (head of warehouse).

Jerry van Dijk is responsible for the warehouse at Van de Lande. With five colleagues, he makes certain of the timely and accurate delivery of all orders. “I have been working here for 22 years now and every day again with pleasure. Together, my colleagues and I ensure daily that all orders are being prepared and ready for shipment. A small part of these orders for the domestic market are being delivered with our own truck transport. The vast majority is shipped with courier and transport companies. Air- and Sea freight shipments occur daily as well. Transport companies are coming and going throughout the day.” Jerry and his colleagues take care of every order being transported quickly.

More customized orders
Customers increasingly and consciously opt for less stock. Stock costs money. Jerry explains that Van de Lande responds to this. “We can supply almost every product from stock the same day. Customers are happy to make use of this. They increasingly order the necessary materials per project. Such orders are challenging and must be correct. We are constantly working to improve our processes. This means that we will make more use of automation in the future.“

The Quality Standard
Quality is the standard, on which Van de Lande concentrates throughout the entire operation. Especially within our logistics. Jerry tells the following: “A quick delivery is one thing. At least as important as that, is that we do this thoroughly. Nevertheless, should it happen that a delivery is not quite correct, we will resolve the issue as soon as possible. That happens almost always to the full satisfaction of the customer. In the end it is all about your customers.“

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The Quality Standard according to Jerry van Dijk

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